Family Ministry
Supporting Parents in Passing on the Faith
Christians have always considered our faith a treasure from the Lord to pass down to future generations. Our family ministry team is here to support parents in their vocation to raise up children to know and love the Lord Jesus Christ. It is our joy and privilege to come alongside parents in this calling.
building a foundation in the Bible & the Liturgy
At St. Charles we are raising future adult Christians, even when they are toddlers! We have designed our family programs and resources to build up this next generation of believers. We work to build biblical familiarity with our young children that can grow into biblical literacy as they get older, and then biblical fluency as youth. Like anything else, studying the Scriptures is a life long journey.
We also want our children to be part of our worship because they are part of the Church! Even in our nursery program, we start developing liturgical familiarity so that by the time they are in the service they recognize parts of our worship and can participate.
Sunday Programs for Kids
Our Nursery Program (Ages 0 -4)
Our nursery is open on Sunday mornings during the liturgy. Each week our children learn a Bible story and make a creative craft. Our team also teach the children a monthly Sunday School Song, Hymn, and memory verse. You can get a poster of this month’s memory verse to take home the next time you drop your child off at our nursery!
Our nursery open from 9am until 11:30am on Sundays.
God’s Big Story for Elementary Age Kids
God's Big Story invites children to enter into the narrative of God's abounding faithfulness and love for all of his beloved children. Our aim is that children and their teachers might hear the gospel of Jesus Christ, know Jesus as their Lord and Savior and experience the fullness of new life in Christ as part of His body, the church.
This program is rooted in the incredible truth that God has come to rescue his children from their own sin through his Son Jesus Christ. It explores the biblical narrative from creation and the fall to Jesus' sacrificial victory on the cross to the promise of a new heaven and earth. GBS is taught in the context of worship through liturgy, song, scripture memory, story presentation, wondering questions, catechesis (teaching of doctrine and the faith), prayer, and many reflective and creative responses geared to a variety of age groups.
All kids ages 5 through 5th grade are invited to join us for God’s Big Story each Sunday. The children gather at the altar for a blessing at the beginning of the liturgy and return to worship for Holy Communion.
Stories, coloring, & Free Play
On Break
Story Time is on break - but keep an eye out! We’ll be back soon.