Worship Service
Holy Eucharist Sunday Service on Sundays
Join the St. Charles family for Sunday morning worship in-person or online at 9:30am on the St. Charles Anglican Cathedral YouTube channel.
Zoom Coffee Hour
Immediately after Sunday worship, we invite you to gather online with Zoom. Go to the livestream page for instructions.
Wednesday 10:00am
We hold a Morning Prayer service at 10 am Wednesdays (except holidays), as we gather for a time of reading scripture according to the Daily Office Lectionary, contemplative corporate prayer, and confession and absolution of our sins.
“Liturgy” means “the work of the people,” which is just a fancy way of saying that Anglican worship is an act of the entire congregation (not just the clergy or the choir) offering God praise, thanksgiving, and adoration. Thus, our worship is not designed to entertain the congregation, but rather to honor the true “audience” of worship, the Lord Himself.
No matter where worship takes place, Anglican churches worldwide practice a unified way of honoring God that began with the first English prayer book all the way back in the 16th century. Through that foundational book (which is 80 percent pure Scripture, simply organized for worship), we form a worldwide chorus of praise, glorifying God with one voice.
St. Charles Anglican Church uses the Anglican Church in North America Lectionary taken from “Texts for Common Prayer” and primarily reads from the English Standard Version (ESV) of The Bible.
Yearly Lectionaries are broken down into a rotating cycle of three years: Year A, Year B, and Year C so that across a three year period almost the whole story of scripture will be included in our worship.
Every Sunday, Anglicans come to the table of our Lord, to experience His real presence in the act of Holy Eucharist (also known as Communion or the Lord’s Supper). This is the high point of our worship, as we strive to follow Christ’s command to do this in remembrance of God’s great love for all things.