Lenten Soup and Study

Meet a new friend at this midweek series as we lean into study, repentance, fasting, and alms-giving during lent. More information and save your place here!

We hope you will visit!
Sunday Worship at 9:30am

7625 Central Valley Rd NE Bremerton, WA

Each week in our Sunday worship we offer praise and thanksgiving to God and celebrate our salvation in Jesus Christ. Our worship service is rooted in Holy Scripture and Holy Communion. Children of all ages are welcome in our service.


You can join us in worship online by clicking here.


Upcoming Events

ADult Formation: Growing in Faith

These video series walk through our liturgy, our catechism, and the Holy Scriptures. You can watch them with a small group, with your family, or on your own to grow in our faith and to grow in your relationship with God. You can view a series by clicking on its title below. To request information about Community Groups at St. Charles that meet to study, pray, and serve together, submit a request here.


Worship Throughout the Week

Holy Eucharist Sundays at 9:30am

Morning Prayer Wednesdays at 10am

Some Feast Days at 10am


Community groups

Community Groups will meet regularly this year to share in friendship, study and discuss our faith, pray together, and serve on mission in our community.


Who Was St. Charles?

St. Charles Lwanga shared the gospel with many in current day Uganda and was martyred for his faith.